2025 Session 2 Class Schedule
Registration opens Feb 14th
****CLASSES START THE WEEK of March 2nd****
Registration opens Feb 14th
****CLASSES START THE WEEK of March 2nd****
Training Procedures and Refund Policy
You can register for class online and pay with PayPal by clicking on the link below.
arf2025chillyfun.as.me/ ****IF TRYING TO REGISTER FOR A CLASS AND IT'S FULL**** Please email Barb at arfclasses@outlook.com to be placed on a wait list. If someone drops the class, or if there's enough interest, we *may* be able to add another class and will take the wait listed names first. Please note wait lists will only be for the current session and will not carry over. Who Teaches What Session 3 -> under construction! Be back up once the schedule is made |
All Classes are Seven (7) weeks - Class size is limited to twelve (12) unless otherwise noted.
Agility and Rally classes are $130 for non-members, $120 for members
AKC STAR Puppy, CGC and CGCA are $150 for non-members, $140 for members (includes price of test)
Rowdy to Self-Control is $240 for non-members, $230 for members
Engagement and Play is $170 for non-members, and $160 for members
Impulse Control & Resilience is $200 for non-members, and $190 for members
Agility League Play is $160 for non-members, and $150 for members
* These classes are limited to six (6)
**These classes are limited to eight (8)